Our mission is to sponsor and promote a youth ice hockey program for the students of the North Penn School District and provide leadership for the development of good character. The program strives to be one of the premier ice hockey programs in the area while making no sacrifice to scholastic achievement. To engrain in its participants that high levels of achievement in scholastics and academics go hand in hand and to develop and strengthen a sense of fair play.
Late fall brings a busy hockey season for our Knights but they still find time to help out the community! Our annual leaf pick-up at the Walnut Meadows over 55 community helped over 30 homes pick up and bag their leaves at no cost to the community members.
Another annual community event the Knight's take joy in helping with is the North Penn Valley Boy's and Girl's Club toy drive. We were able to team up with the NP Key Club and provide hundreds of toys and food gift cards to the NPVBGC this December.
NPIHA would like to thank all it's members that helped spread some holiday cheer this year. Thank you for donating and collecting toys from friends and neighbors!
North Penn Ice Hockey has many activities and opportunities where we could use your help. If you are interested in being a board member, a team representative, assisting in Night with the Knights, Senior Night, please let us know. If you love social media, like taking pictures, can organize an event, we need you.
It's really not hard and we would love to have you.
Please contact any of the board members on our contact page or email us at npknightsicehockey@gmail.com
Landscaping, Construction & Snowplowing
Office (215) 257-1950 Cell (215) 896-1950
Contact npknightsicehockey@gmail.com